Lancaster Health Services Hosts “Cookout for a Cause” to Support Employee
When Lancaster Health Services employee Lori Baker was diagnosed with breast cancer, her team wanted to do something to help support her through such a tough time.
This past summer, Lancaster Health hosted “Cookout for a Cause” and raised $14,500 for Lori’s medical needs. The event included a large silent auction with more than 100 items and a cookout complete with burgers and chips, live music, bake sale, and a kid’s zone. The day began rainy, but thankfully cleared up just in time for the event.

“We had some rain and storms, so we were out there holding the tents and making some fun memories,” said Megen Kinyon, Business Office Manager at Lancaster Heath. “Someone sent Lori a video of them holding a tent down, saying, ‘We love you Baker.’”
In addition to the cookout, the center also sold T-shirts and bracelets to raise money for Lori. She was presented with not only a large check, but a plaque with a CNA prayer and a shirt signed by all of the employees. Lori and her family were so surprised when Lancaster presented her with a check that they began to cry. The donation was much needed and well-deserved, Kinyon said.
“Lori has been truly dedicated to Lancaster Health since she started working with us in 2017,” Kinyon said. “She worked in the Activities Department and Laundry/Housekeeping Department and as a CNA and scheduler. She was so happy when she found out how much money was raised. The last thing we wanted her to worry about with everything she was going through was money.”

This is not the first time Lancaster Health has stepped up when their community was in need. In 2020, the center hosted a fundraiser for two children diagnosed with cancer and advertised it in a local newspaper. An organization contacted Lancaster after seeing the ad and offered to remodel the children’s bedrooms. In 2021, the center hosted fundraisers for a VFW chapter and one of their employees who lost her son. Lancaster Health tries to support local fire and emergency department fundraisers in the community too.
“We have a great community that helps support our fundraisers and we try to do the same for others,” Kinyon said. “We all have to work as a big family and support each other.”