Contact Us
Contact North Shore Health
Contact North Shore Health today. We are happy to assist you with any questions you may have. Let our team help you choose the right center to meet your needs.
General Inquiries
Please use the Contact Us form below.
Check Remittance
Please email with your inquiry and check number.
Employment Verifcation
Employment verifications are processed through UC Verify at
Your voice matters!
North Shore Health is committed to customer and employee satisfaction. Caring Connections is one of many ways employees, residents, their family members, or visitors may discuss concerns or suspected compliance violations.
Call, email or log in anytime. Our helpline is answered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Phone: 833-480-0050 (si habla espanol, marque 800-216-1288)
North Shore Health
640 North Vel R. Phillips Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53203 -
tel 414-962-5250
fax 414-962-5259
Contact Us
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Map & Directions
For directions to North Shore Health, please click on the directions link.