Celebrating Our Family

Long-term care heroes don’t just come to work, they come home to their family. Each day they demonstrate compassion and commitment in caring for their residents, their families. We want to salute all long-term care heroes, during National Skilled Nursing Care Week…and every day, for all that they do to protect, connect, and lift the spirits of those they serve. #LTCHeroes #HealthcareHeroes #CareNotCovid #NSNCW

Recent Blogs

Leaders on the Rise: Kaylee Engel

Empathy, trust and nurse holding hands with patient for help, consulting support and healthcare advice. Kindness, counseling and medical therapy in nursing home for hope, consultation and psychology.

North Shore Expands Hospice Services to Central Wisconsin

North Shore Team standing with award

MaLinda Krauss receives WHCA/WiCAL Director of Nursing Award